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No more nail holes, cracked plaster or sticky residue. Command picture hanging strips make decorating quick and easy. One click tells you picture hanging strips are locked in and holding tight. Best of all, when you are ready to take down or move your pictures, they come off cleanly no nail holes, cracked plaster or sticky residue. Command picture hanging strips come in three sizes. Small strips hold most 8 in x 10 in frames, medium strips hold most 18 in x 24 in frames and large strips hold most 24 in x 36 in frames. Also available are Command frame stabilizer strips which keep picture frames level even if hung by nails. Contains four sets. Holds up to 3 lb per set.
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Explore STANLEY® hand tools and storage solutions at Preston Hardware.
Get faster, more accurate inspections with this rechargeable penlight with laser. Available at Preston Hardware.
With 23 options, this set offers a wide variety of sockets for all types of jobs. Get yours at Preston…
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