
Oatey 21212 1lb 361°F – 460°F Melting Point Solid Rosin Core Solder – Silver

STORE SKU:038753212128
Manufacturer No:8079527
13in Stock
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Oatey 21212 Rosin Core Solder, 1 lb, Solid, Silver, 361 to 460 deg F Melting Point

Oatey 21212 1lb 361°F – 460°F Melting Point Solid Rosin Core Solder – Silver

STORE SKU:038753212128
Manufacturer No:8079527

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Product description

Oatey® rosin core wire solder is a tin-lead alloy wire solder with a rosin flux core for use in electrical applications, including wiring and other fine electronic work.


Weight 1.05lbs / 0.48kg
Length 11.50inches / 29.21cm
Width 4.50inches / 11.43cm
Height 2.50inches / 6.35cm
Brand Oatey

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