Discover the Measure of a Pro with STANLEY® Tools
Explore STANLEY® hand tools and storage solutions at Preston Hardware.
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Solvable® paint cleaner and thinner is a VOC compliant versatile and effective solution for thinning and cleaning. Ideal for thinning oil-based paints, stains and varnishes, our paint cleaner and thinner is equally adept at removing paint from brushes, rollers, trays, scrapers and edger. It also cleans paint splatters and overflow. Safe for most surfaces, whether bare, painted, stained or treated. Always test on an inconspicuous area first. Spot cleans floor surfaces. Do not apply or spread over large floor area in a single application. Rinse treated area with soap and water. Slippery when wet, ensure the floor is fully dry before walking.
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Explore STANLEY® hand tools and storage solutions at Preston Hardware.
Get faster, more accurate inspections with this rechargeable penlight with laser. Available at Preston Hardware.
With 23 options, this set offers a wide variety of sockets for all types of jobs. Get yours at Preston…
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